t’s quite disturbing to know that Muslims today still have not quit selling alcohol despite knowing the rulings against doing so.
It was narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, from his father, that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allaah has cursed khamr and the one who drinks it, the one who pours it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one who squeezes it, the one for whom it is squeezed, the one who carries it and the one to whom it is carried.”, - Ahmad (5716) and Abu Dawood (3674)
It may be that our families, friends, neighbours, do not know of the harsh outcomes of selling alcohol, they may think that they are not drinking it therefore it is ok to earn from it “since the kuffar drink it all the time anyway”.
This is wrong and by no means should be our way of living.
Everything you buy with that money is haram, with a haram income there is no barakah in anything you will do with it, even if you give in the way of Allah.
The food you eat, the house you live in, the family you provide for, it may seem that there is much blessing in this, as you are able to earn a lot of money, live in a nice house, have nice cars, are able to go on holidays etc. etc.
By Allah, this is not the way practicing Muslims should be living. The difficult situation may be that we are practicing yet our families are not, they may not listen to us when we tell them what is wrong and what is right according to the haqq, but we mustn’t give up, we have to explain to them we will die, and we will take none of this luxury with us to our graves.
May Allah make it easy for those who struggle to explain the truth to their families, and may Allah, out of His Mercy, allow us to live on halal money.
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