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Monday, 10 February 2014

A Sister Asked the Question :

A Sister Asked the Question: How do you "talk" to ALLAH? This post is in reply to that... so may ALLAH reward her for asking this question and giving me the motivation to write on this important subject.

Making dua to ALLAH is the essence of worship and it is a proof that we think of Him as the only one who can help us. The only one who knows everything, the Only One who has the absolute power to do anything and everything. Dua can be formal and informal. But apart from dua there is something called "munajaat" which means whispers... and we do it only to the one who is very near. So just feel that ALLAH is very near and He is listening to you and just say to him whatever you want to share with Him. Although He already knows everything yet when we "say" those things which have happened to us and for which we want solutions... then we feel like being connected to a Real Friend and Provider of all solutions... this act of Munajaat is totally life changing because the inner lonliness is replaced by a constant assurance of having ALLAH as your Lord, your everliving companion, your all-Hearing, all seeing, all-knowing Lord... who is Absolutely in control of your life and knows what to give and what to take away and when to give and when to let you make more duas and make more efforts so that you will really appreciate when you get that thing which you are longing for...

I first came to know about this many years before when our tafseer teacher said that whenever you want to talk and share something then do it with ALLAH. It sounded quite strange at first that how can I be so informal with Allah... maybe it is against the respect of ALLAH to "talk" to Him?

But then one day in a lecture on time management, I heard a Hadith of the Prophet (S.A.W) in which He pointed out some actions which every person should make time for in his daily schedule. One of them was "some time in which he talks to ALLAH"

Talking to ALLAH has had a very beneficial impact that the problem inside me gets straightened out when I share it with Allah. Because He answers our duas and sometimes this answer is so immediate that it takes you by surprise.

So open up your heart to Him and stop worrying and start living.

"And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." [Al Qur'an 2:186]

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